Beach of Ostroconi today, wow!
Corsica 2012 – Day 4
Today we were at the fantastic Loto beach in the Agriates desert by boat.
Really worth the (small) trip…
Again a very hot day, without wind (and waves).
Corsica 2012 – Day 3
Corsica 2012 – Day 2
Corsica 2012 – Day 1
Uneventful flight to Ajaccio, then 2.5 hours to join Oletta by car. Very sunny, windy and hot (35°C), but very few traffic. First nice contact with Corsican ham, salami, cheese, and wines ;-)
At 16:00 arrived at our hotel. Charming!
Off for two weeks, pfffuuu
Wow, we are off during 2 weeks, back to Corsica again this year (it seems that we are not the only one having this idea ;-).
Very happy to be able to rest a bit, the last weeks were exciting but also very time- and energy-consuming at Innoveo… Growth (> 50% this year if we continue…) is always seen as a kind of “luxury problem”, which is true. But still complicated ;-) New colleagues were integrated, some were leaving, and still some new ones to be integrated in the coming weeks and months! As usual in such kind of development phase, the biggest challenge is to keep our identity.
Among others, I’m very proud that we could start our first international project (in Dubai). And good opportunities that can emerge before end of this year in other countries.
Thanks to all at Innoveo for your support and BIG commitment in the last months, it is so essential for me…
First the north of Corsica, near Saint Florent at Oletta.
And then, Palombaggia and its famous beach.
First tests with my new lens
I have completed my lens series with a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM as my first zoom telephoto.
Some reviews here:
It’s big, it’s heavy, but it is extremely sharp, and the background blur at f/2.8 is just crazy.
Actually I was “pushed” to buy this lens because of some of the best landscape photographs (for my taste) I have seen made by Vincent Laforet, who is intensively using zoom telephotos….
Sainth Barth 2013 booked!
Saint Barth 2012 – Bonus
Saint Barth 2012 – Day 17
So, last breakfast and beach in paradise :-(
Last lunch at the Airport in some hours.
It’s time to travel back home (Winair at 14:45 today). I mean the “other” home…
Our 10th time in St Barth was quite exceptional, such a cool and serene time again. Having time with wife and son, time to play with Julien, to read (12 books, not bad this year), to photograph, to post here, to have nice dinners, to drive around the island, to have some naps after the cigars and rum. Pfffuuu :-)
I’m sure that we will keep the hike with Hélène Bernier as highlight in our mind. And I’m also sure that I will miss the fantastic Caribbean colors and Saint Barth views…
The return is always quite difficult, but hey, we were again lucky enough to be able to come to Saint Barth!
To close this series, I think that some sunsets could be quite adequate. So, 3 of them to share!