Hi from St Barth!
We arrived on Friday, everything’s fine, excepted that the Wifi is nothing working properly in our villa :-)
Weather is absolutely great. Above 34°C today, but windy.
Our villa is very nice.
Restaurants, some shopping and the beaches : our heavy daily pogram ;-) With some readings and long snorkeling sessions….
Small hurricane expected on Friday, wow!
St Barth – 2nd step
St Barth – 1st step
Extremely good news for Innoveo today!
Although I am already on holidays, I would like to mark this day and to share my excitement with you all!
After about six months, we have reached a a great team-achievement again.
More “explicit information” to share with you in the coming time!
(and no, this has nothing to do with the fact that we are going to St Barth in some hours!)
Another colleague seen at the McDo!
Off to Saint Barth till August 22
Dear friends, colleagues, partners, customers and competitors … and readers :-)
I am off to St Barth with my wife and son till August 22. The first time for us there … during the summer!
If there will be no strike, if the weather will be ok (no hurricane, it is the season now), if there will be no issue with the plane, etc., we will be again in St Barth tomorrow, exactly there:
- Day : 34°C
- Night : 26°C
- Ocean : 29°C
This is actually the case only if we don’t have any hurricane :-)
I will publish some videos & pictures there, stay tuned.
Have a good time and take care!
Alicia Keys at the Montreux Jazz Festival
I had the chance to be at the Montreux Jazz Festival on Thursday, July 17, with my friend Manu, the CEO of Boomerang. This year, Manu has chosen the concert and wanted to see Alicia Keys. I haven’t really known Alicia, excepted the 3 hits everybody knows ;-)
And what for a great surprise! The concert was just fantastic! First, Alicia was introduced very nicely by … Mister Quincy Jones himself. Wow, what for an honor! Absolutely great band and musicians, extremely soul and “motown” oriented, less “over-produced” than in her albums. Alicia Keys is really a marvelous singer, with a lot of good energy. And a special mention for her groove. Come on!!!
© Lionel Flusin © Montreux Jazz Festival Foundation
© Lionel Flusin © Montreux Jazz Festival Foundation
© Lionel Flusin © Montreux Jazz Festival Foundation
So, if you have the opportunity to see and listen to Alicia Keys at a concert, do not hesitate!
Google vs. Cuil
via Seth Godin
Seth is comparing both search engines, not on a functional or on a “index-size” level, but on an “icon” level.
Interesting, and, in my opinion, true!
Markets love icons. We seek them out. […]
Once there’s an icon in place, it’s there because it’s working. It serves a purpose, it carries useful information and performs a valuable function. There will never (or not for a generation, anyway) be the next Marilyn Monroe because this Marilyn Monroe isn’t broken.
Google, of course, is the Marilyn Monroe of search. […]
The challenge for organizations is this: the easiest projects to start and fund are those that go after existing icons. The search for the “next” is easy to explain and exciting to join because we can visualize the benefits. But success keeps going to people who build new icons, not to those that seek to replace the most successful existing ones.
The current claimed differentiations (privacy, size of index) are perhaps not so evident, so that cuil can win enough market-shares against google.
IBM announces plans to acquire ILOG
Wow, again, a big consolidation in the Software industry!
IBM and ILOG today announced they have signed an agreement regarding a proposed acquisition by IBM of ILOG to be implemented by way of concurrent cash public tender offers in both France and the United States. Through this proposed transaction, IBM will combine its business process management (BPM), business optimization, and service oriented architecture (SOA) technologies with ILOG’s Business Rules Management Systems software. This will enable IBM to help clients deliver critical business information in real-time, allowing them to make better business decisions faster.
The cash tender offer will be at a price of €10 per ordinary share and the U.S. dollar equivalent per American Depositary Share (“ADS”) based on the Euro/U.S. dollar exchange rate as of the settlement of the tender offers, amounting to an aggregate purchase price of approximately €215 million or approximately $US340 million on a fully diluted basis. This price represents a premium of approximately 56 percent compared to ILOG’s one month average of closing share prices prior to July 28, 2008, and a 37 percent premium to the closing price of Friday, July 25.
ILOG’s board of directors has approved the transaction between the two companies and, subject to the receipt of a satisfactory fairness opinion regarding the financial terms of the offer, is expected to give a final recommendation prior to September 15, following which the offer should be filed with the French stock exchange authority (AMF).
You can find the press release here.
My Digital Identity certified by MyID.is
Charles Nouÿrit (I have met him at the last leweb3 – cgs dinner last year) kindly asked me to join the private pre-alpha-test of MyID.is.
What is MyID.is?
MyID.is trying to answer a simple question, how can we provide our users with a digital ID that have been certified with the same level of trust as if we met in real life with a valid ID delivered by a government administration but without the need to actually meet in real life?
By certifying your ID you’ll be able to certify all of your online presence, such as your blogs, your Facebook, LinkedIn… profiles, your comments,… and any kind of online presence that is part of your Identity 2.0.
After months of developing our solution, we are now ready to open our platform to the public.
Status of my certification and first feedback
Since Friday, July 25, I am a certified user and I have a certified Digital Identity :-)
The whole certification costs some EUR and is very simple to follow. So, till now, everything is fine.
Congrats to the MyID team for the preparation work.
I have already started to play around with the badges and I could already certified my blog ;-)
You can follow the project on their blog here and on twitter here.
PS: and yes, MyID is clearly supporting interoperable data portability (dataportability.org)