Life is too short – Saint Barth in 2 weeks

As life is too short, and after a (very) fast “family discussion” for a while, we have decided all three together that it is the right moment to return to Saint Barth a second time this year. And this, in exactly two weeks (we will arrive on August 3)!

We are all three just super mega happy, starting to prepare us for our coming stay in paradise.

It seems that the island is very green, so hopefully new perspectives for new pictures ;-)


(writing this post near our fireplace, strange cold summer here in Alsace/France…)

1 thought on “Life is too short – Saint Barth in 2 weeks

  1. ah les chanceux ! vous allez y prendre goût de partir 2 fois par an, méfiez-vous !
    Profitez bien, on essaye de se voir à votre retour.

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