WEEK-END: Therm and relaxation today :-)

BadenweilerThis morning, as the weather was quite bad (exceptionally warm for January, about 12°C, but cloudy and rainy), we went to the Cassiopeia Therm of Badenweiler in Germany, about 50 km from where we are living. Wow, that was really helpful for me with all this good stress and pressure in the last time :-) Also very funny with our kid.


Situtated in the southernmost region of Germany, protected by the Black Forest and Vogesen region, a unique cultural landscape has emerged, whose silvery light brings back memories of Tuscany. Rolling hills, beautiful vineyards, and the Black Forest with its dark contrasts, and in the middle of it all, the enchanting Badenweiler. A paradise where you can replenish your energy and relax.

The Cassiopeia therm



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