TOOLS: Firefox v1.0

FirefoxThe Mozilla Foundation has called on its supporters to chip in on a full-page advertisement in The New York Times for the launch of its Firefox 1.0 browser in November, exactly on November 9, 2004.

You have 6 days left to donate! I know from my blog statistics that quite a lot of you are using Firefox, so, have a look at this great idea on Spread Firefox.

Here is how it works:

  • The full-page ad will include the names of everyone who supports the campaign along with a message about the benefits/features of Firefox.
  • The ad will only include verifiable, personal names: no URLs, emails, etc.
  • An individual contribution of $30 will get your name included in the ad ($10 student rate).
  • The campaign will act as a fundraiser to support all Firefox 1.0 launch activities, not just the ad itself (find out more about your contribution).
  • Special recognition — Community Champion — will be given to people who sign up 10 names at a time.
  • There are also two packages available for businesses to participate.
  • You will be notified via email when the ad runs.
  • More questions? Check the FAQ.

I am personaly using Firefox almost exclusively since some months and I donated my $30 to this great project and tool (have a look at my review). What about you?


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