Remember – Lest we forget

Today, 6 of June, it is the 60th anniversary of the D-Day, the beginning of the Allied invasion, the so-called Operation Overlord, the beginning of the end. The last time, we were quite overwhelmed by information concerning the World War II and the D-Day. On one hand, thanks to this anniversary, we re-activate our thoughts concerning this period of our history. And that’s surely a good point. On the other hand, we see that we are loosing, with the time, all the direct witnesses of the World War II and their testimony.

I don’t like Mr. Bush, I don’t like some actions the US did in the last time BUT, with a lot of emotion, I would like to thank so deeply our American, English and Canadian friends, who fought for us, for France, for the World, for Liberty. A lot of them died or were injuried. A lot of them were volunteers. We are all indebted for their sacrifice. And we have all a duty of memory, do not forget to explain this to your children, including the Holocaust. My God, it was so…I don’t find the words… I am sorry for some of the pictures below but, that’s our history, our reality, guys.

Lest we forget that….

…more than 55 million people died during these 6 years. Fifty-five million peole… It’s about the current population of France today, annihilated in 6 years.

Lest we forget that…

…about 6 million Jews were systematically murdered, 1.5 million of these were children. This represents 2/3rds of the European Jews and about 1/3rd of the worldwide Jewish community at this time. 6 million people, it’s about the current population of Austria or Switzerland, annihilated in 6 years, 1.5 million children. My God, 1.5 million…

Lest we forget that…

…Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed with atomic weapons. 100’000 people were killed immediatly in Hiroshima, 74’000 victims and 75’000 injured in Nagasaki.

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