European Black Monday

Wow, if this is not a stock exchange crash in Europe…

Countries Index

Drop in %

Europe Eurostoxx 50 -7.34
France CAC40 -9.04
UK Footsie-100 -7.85
Germany DAX 30 -7.07
Switzerland SMI -6.12
Belgium BEL 20 -6.87
Netherlands AEX -9.14
Denmark KAX -11.06
Norway OBX -9.71
Finland OMX 25 -8.52
Sweden OMX 30 -7.24
Spain Ibex-35 -6.06
Italy SP/Mib -8.24
Portugal PSI-20 -9.86


That is absolutely brutal… If you have cash, it is time for shopping…

And, still no floor in sight!!

Innoveo Solutions, already one year – Part II

After the “who” of the “First who, then what”, let’s have a look at the “what” ;-) And let’s start with what I would like to call the “prerequisites”




The prerequisites are quite “simple”! You have a business and the right people to address it ;-)

In other words: you have a business plan with clear ideas about:

  • the status quo (current situation where you are in the founding, acquisition from customers, productizing, financing, etc.)
  • you product and services
  • the market you would like to address
  • the competitors (no competitor, no market)
  • marketing and sales
  • administration & organization
  • productizing
  • management
  • risk analysis
  • finances

At the end, all this should be translated in a clear “values, vision, mission, industry and markets targeted, capabilities”.

As others, I like to speak about differentiation and customers’ pains, as from product positioning.

The best is still to confront your perception of the market with…the market itself! And to correct, iterate, improve, learn, make failures, learn, improve, etc.

We had the chance to start with a big customer contract with a well-known and established company, for quite a long duration. On top, we had also a huge asset, the IP (Intellectual Property) of our software product, coming from a 7 years development and big former investment.



Pfffuu, not so easy. Quite a lot of steps to do, and the first steps are extremely important!

  • First you need to fix the name of the company. The name is representing your new venture. It is central for your identity, your marketing and communication future activities. If you have already tried to find a name for a product or a company, you should know that it is very difficult to find a name which is not already used or reserved. As everybody, you then try to combine names, to use Latin or Greek names, etc. We were lucky because after a lot of tries, Nick found the name INNOVEO. At this time, 34 results on Google! And no company registered in Switzerland under this name. Furthermore, Innoveo is a great combination between INNOvation and VEO which means “to see” in Latin. At the end, we decided also to add “Solutions” to our company name because we are delivering software solutions. The domain-name was already reserved. So we had to buy the different main domains (for “innoveo”) and to transfer them. The name is also usable internationally and doesn’t seem to mean something in another language.
  • For the office location, it was clear that we wanted to stay in the Zurich/Switzerland area. As we are coming from different places, Zurich remains central and very attractive for hiring A-level international employees. Zurich is designated since years as one of the best place to live. On top, Zurich is a well-know financial place internationally. Concerning the office itself, we wanted to stay near a train-station. The building we were in before was ok. So after having evaluating other opportunities, we decided not to move.
  • Our Team was fully integrated in the evaluation and decision process for the choice of the name, as for the office location.
  • So, you have the name and the location, you need to choose the form of the company. This is also impacting a lot your venture! Accounting, Corporate Governance, legal obligations, etc. are very depending from this form. We mainly had two possibilities: “GmbH” (limited liability) or AG (Incorporated). As we have started with more than 14 people and we have very big companies as customers, it was quite clear that we need an “AG” form (incorporated). As for liabilities reasons (we deliver a software product).
  • Then you need to work on the statutes of the company.
  • You have to structure and define your Board of Directors. It was clear that Nick and myself will be members of the Board of Directors. We wanted to enlarge our Board with two external members, very qualified and experienced in different fields: strategic management, sales, software product marketing, product positioning, accompanying start-ups in their development, etc. We had the chance to be able to gain Bruno and Pancho. The organization of the regulations between the Shareholders’ Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Executive Management of the company should be also fixed and documented.
  • Ok, then you need to find the shareholders, to define the level of equity requested, the investment of each shareholder, and to define the Shareholders’ Agreement.
  • In the statutes, you have also to determine the signature rights of the Board and of the Management, and to authenticate them by a trustee.
  • At this point, you have also to open a corporate bank account, to be able to transfer the capital … and pay your first bills due to the founding process ;-)
  • The statutes, name and form of the company, office location, member of the Board of Directors, level of Equity, and the signature rights have to be registered (and partly published) at the Commercial Register.
  • For all these steps, you need absolutely the support of a attorney at law and a trustee. And, it is not the last time that you will need them ;-) We are working with Peter Neuenschwander (attorney) and Oliver Götz (trustee). since more than 18 months now. These two persons are extremely important for our company.
  • A picture below taken from the office of the notary in Walliseller – Switzerland, where Innoveo Solutions was founded on Monday, June 25, 2007 (Nick, Lorenz, Philippe and myself).

innoveo founding

That is, more or less (I have surely forgotten some stuff!), the founding process. At the same time, you need to define quite a lot of administrative processes. These, for the next post!

Innoveo Solutions, already one year – Part I

And what for a year :-) We started in October 2007, with 14 people. We are today 16. We started with one customer, we today have 4, which means some great steps on the way to the difficult customer diversification.

So, if you mind (if not, just stop to read this post, very easy ;-), I would like to take some minutes to look back to these extremely intensive 12 months. What have we done? Wow, good question! Let’s try to structure a bit these achievements. And let’s concentrate on the management activities, not on the great delivery and concrete outcome of the whole team. By doing this, it would take much more time. Just too much.

I will divide this “looking-back” process in different parts, too long for one post!

Let’s start with the 3 most important parts.


Co-leading Innoveo with Nick

  • Nick, my Business Partner, and myself are working for 8 years together. Our collaboration has evolved step-by-step, and we are leading the company together from the day 0.
  • Still a lot of fun, respect and learnings in this collaboration. And still complementary in our different ways of managing, based on the same foundation of values.
  • I am a lucky guy to be able to work with Nick and I am convinced that our strong collaboration and respect is very positive for Innoveo.
  • We have learnt again a lot how to work efficiently together. Responsibilities are clearly splitted but we benefit from each other everywhere it is possible.
  • We are developing ourselves in our new roles (Board members, leading tactically the company, sales) together and by our own. Specially helped there by our Board.


The management Team

  • We are also learning to act all together as an entire and compact Management Team, with Nick, with Philippe (Services and Support), with Lorenz (Technology) and Oli (Product Management).
  • Our roles and responsibilities are becoming more and more clearer. Delegation and cross-deputy roles are better in place. We are operatively leading the company together. The most important tactical decisions are taken together. The strategic orientation is discussed and prepared together for the Board meetings.
  • On the good way to efficiency.


The Innoveo people

  • “First who, then what” still in place, with some nice (and complicated) examples.
  • Wow, still the main driver to wake up each morning :-)
  • I really like the cultural mix and our multinational environment.
  • Our team spirit and identity is still extremely strong and both were confirmed from outside quite a lot of time. So it seems that it is not just an “internal” view ;-)
  • Lot of fun und humor, very experienced hard-working people. Extremely motivated. Experts in a lot of areas. Our customers like them! I too.
  • Great cohesion, very good personal development of almost everybody.
  • Nobody left Innoveo (since 8 years now, in the different constellations).
  • We could extend our team with Robert and Conny, two great persons, very well integrated in the team. As if they were by us since years!
  • People = still and definitely our *main asset*.

Next chapters will contain some stuff about:

Founding, Accounting, Administration, Human Resources, Legal, Productizing, Support process, Corporate Identity, Marketing and branding, Sales, Partner Management, Capital and shareholders, Board of Directors.

Perhaps not in this order!

Is business irrational?

via Seth Godin

YES, for sure, business IS irrational (at least an important part of it) :-)

I really *love* this post from Seth, excellent!

Parents or other adults who are irrationally committed to a kid’s well being make a huge (perhaps the biggest) difference in that young person’s life.

Entrepreneurs who are irrationally committed to their business are far more likely to get through the Dip.

Salespeople and service providers and marketers who are irrationally committed to customer service can completely transform an ordinary experience and make it remarkable.

Is being irrational irrational? Of course it is. That’s why it often works.

If you’re looking for the sensible, predictable, long-term strategy, this probably isn’t it. Except when it is.


Google vs. Cuil

via Seth Godin

Seth is comparing both search engines, not on a functional or on a “index-size” level, but on an “icon” level.

Interesting, and, in my opinion, true!

Markets love icons. We seek them out. […]

Once there’s an icon in place, it’s there because it’s working. It serves a purpose, it carries useful information and performs a valuable function. There will never (or not for a generation, anyway) be the next Marilyn Monroe because this Marilyn Monroe isn’t broken.

Google, of course, is the Marilyn Monroe of search.  […]

The challenge for organizations is this: the easiest projects to start and fund are those that go after existing icons. The search for the “next” is easy to explain and exciting to join because we can visualize the benefits. But success keeps going to people who build new icons, not to those that seek to replace the most successful existing ones.

The current claimed differentiations (privacy, size of index) are perhaps not so evident, so that cuil can win enough market-shares against google.

My Digital Identity certified by


Charles Nouÿrit (I have met him at the last leweb3 – cgs dinner last year) kindly asked me to join the private pre-alpha-test of


What is trying to answer a simple question, how can we provide our users with a digital ID that have been certified with the same level of trust as if we met in real life with a valid ID delivered by a government administration but without the need to actually meet in real life?

By certifying your ID you’ll be able to certify all of your online presence, such as your blogs, your Facebook, LinkedIn… profiles, your comments,… and any kind of online presence that is part of your Identity 2.0.

After months of developing our solution, we are now ready to open our platform to the public.

Status of my certification and first feedback


Since Friday, July 25, I am a certified user and I have a certified Digital Identity :-)

The whole certification costs some EUR and is very simple to follow. So, till now, everything is fine.

Congrats to the MyID team for the preparation work.

I have already started to play around with the badges and I could already certified my blog ;-)

You can follow the project on their blog here and on twitter here.

PS: and yes, MyID is clearly supporting interoperable data portability (

What Marc Fleury is now doing

via CAOS Theory

Marc Fleury, the founder and former CEO of jBoss, has left RedHat after some months of incorporation. He seems now again to be quite busy with his next project called OpenRemote.

The OpenRemote team also includes the creator of Asterisk Mark Spencer, JBoss veterans Juha Lindfors, Christian Bauer, Java X10 project creator Wade Wassenberg, and Linux Home Automation founder Neil Cherry.

Together they, and others, plan to create a complete open source home automation including the OpenRemote Controller hardware, OpenRemote Console Applications to make use of the iPhone and iTouch as a universal remote (although any device with browser will work), the OpenRemote Manager, and the Beehive Database.

“Figuring out the business model, this is one thing I can help with. But for right now, let’s focus on a community. Without a community, there is no OSS model. The community is what you do with it.”

Exciting idea and project!

Modular Navi System launched under 100 EUR!

Our business colleagues from logix-tt (a Swiss company specialized in tracking & tracing solutions, navigation systems and security techniques) has just launched their new modular Navigation System, which is not only incredibly cheap (99 EUR incl. VAT) but also seems to be very easy to use. On top, the system is very modular and is delivered with its own SDK!

From the press release:

GoTo® is not only unique regarding the price-performance ratio, it is the only navigation system with a complete module concept.

By simply adding modules, the navigation system turns into a TV (DBV-T), an internet terminal (GSM, 3G), a DVD-Player, a hands free mobi le phone and lots more.

The software is modular, too. Based on eCos1, Swiss company logix-tt has created its own operating system lbcs2-that enables you to fit additional software to your GoTo®.

Scripting language Pawn 3 (based on Javascript or C) makes it possible to create your own software to be run on the device. GoTo® uses Enlightenment as user interface, so the device is not only available in many colours – but the user interface will fit perfectly.

More about the product at

Seesmic founding and launch

Very interesting insides about how Loic has launched and founded seesmic.

I like very much this way of making business, which has more something to do with trust, with support & help, and with commitment of people concerning a vision.

I understand also Loic who is saying that being in a positive environment – which knows the risks und doesn’t underestimate them – is great. I hope that this will be also the case at a time in Europe… It is still more or less a pain to found a new venture here, and mostly because of the negative spirit around new founding and the risks taken…

Thanks Loic for sharing this piece of business and, at the end, much more this piece of your life!

And good luck with seesmic!