NEWS: More than 60 million web sites on the Internet

[via Netcraft]

We now find more than 60 million web sites on the Internet, as the March 2005 survey received http responses from 60,442,655 sites.

The milestone comes just nine months after the survey crossed the 50-million mark in May 2004, as the growth of the Web continues to accelerate, approaching the dizzying pace of the height of the Internet boom. During the year 2000, the number of sites found by the Netcraft survey doubled from 10 million to 20 million in just seven months. More recently, it took 13 months for the Web to grow from 40 million to 50 million sites.

This month’s gain of 1.34 million sites was the largest since April of last year (+1.7 million) and marked the 25th consecutive month of growth for the Web after a two-year shakeout to absorb the collapse of the dot-com and telecom industries.

Apache continued to take market share from Microsoft servers, gaining nearly 0.7 percent last month after gains the previous two months. After little or no change in server market share during 2004, Apache has widened its margin by 2.0 percent thus far in 2005.

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