BLOG: 5 things you might have not known about me

I have been tagged by Sandrine from (in French). Thanks Sandrine. Scoble doesn’t like this, on the other side, Stephen, Dragos, Jeremy, Pierre … are playing the game. So let’s try it :-)

  1. I am quite crazy about (very) powerful and fast cars and I have changed from Mercedes to BMW in 2006 (and I am very happy about this change). I know, I know, it is just “male – ego – non-environmental – …”
  2. I have participated to some big projects developed in C and C++, as a developer. And yes, I know, it was better for all that I have left this part :-)
  3. I was taken two times in (little) avalanches when skiing, that is one of the reasons why I have stopped skiing (too risky) for some years now. Also because of my back (I have quite a lot of issues there, my osteopath likes me :-)
  4. I was a glider and private pilot when I was younger (glider when I was 16). I have lost all my qualifications because of … a lack of time
  5. I like the US band Toto very much, and specially the period with Jeff Porcaro. Jeff is one of the best and innovative drummer ever (and I know about what I am talking about). He died in 1992. Actually, *all* the musicians of the band are just phenomenal session musicians.

Next in line are Laurent, Rodrigo, Jeff, Marc and Mathieu.

P.S. I will update this post as those tagged post

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