NEWS: LeWeb3 in Paris

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As in 2005 and 2006, I will have the chance to be in Paris for the fourth conference LeWeb3.

This time, I will attend the conference with Laurent. We were number 24 and 25 to register, not bad ;-)

The program is quite interesting, have a look. Plus a workshop session track. Plus a start-up competition. Plus a Netvibes LeWeb3 Party on Tuesday evening. Plus a GCS dinner 7.0 (I hope, no news for quite along time ;-).

We will travel with the new TGV and will be in Paris on Monday evening (December 10). And interested to join any bloggers’ party ;-) We will leave first on Thursday (December 13). We are staying at the hotel Daunou Opera, in front of the offices of Occam Capital, Altaïde, and … the Harry’s Bar :-)

Already 781 participants registered, wow!

So, hope to meet again some friends: Marc, Jeff, Rodrigo, Robert (new happy father ;-), Sandrine, Thierry, etc.

I would like to meet, because I am following their blogs since months/years (for some of them ;-) and we haven’t met yet, or we haven’t exchanged enough yet:

And all the others I have forgotten (arrgggg…. :-). If *you* would like to meet, just drop me an email: didier DOT beck AT gmail DOT com.

And see you there!


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