NEWS: LeWeb3 2007 program


Loic and GĂ©raldine LeMeur (Loic, you are *always* interrupting your wife ;-) have given a press conference (in French) some days ago. Quite interesting, they have presented the whole event and the program. Some highlights below.

The conference

  • fourth edition of the conference
  • as usual, in English
  • last year: 1’300 participants and 36 nationalities
  • this year, about 1’500 participants expected, 2’000 as a maximum. for the three first editions, people were refused
  • 907 participants already registered
  • budget: about 1 million EUR
  • 120’000 EUR just for the wifi setup, bandwidth of 250 to 300 MB/s expected
  • also as usual, no ads or mailing campaigns, just word of mouth, specially through the bloggers
  • about 32 (!) partners for the conference among others google, microsoft, ibm, nokia, orange, …
  • one central “plenary” room for 1’500 people, a second room for networking with a direct retransmission of the central room presentations, a third room for the startup competition
  • start-up competition: 120 startups registered, 30 have been pre-selected for the competition, and grouped in 4 domains:
    • b2b
    • video
    • mobile
    • consumers

The program


There are just some highlights and notices for myself for the conference ;-) You can find the official program there and the workshops program here.

  • First day
  • micro-blogging, Evan Williams, founder of Twitter and Blogger
  • social information (controversial), with Kevin Rose, founder of Digg
  • why books and school lectures still exist, Hans Rosling
  • creation and innovation as a isolated process, Philippe Stark
  • impact of technology on corporate culture, Nelson Mattos from Google
  • technology and its impact on our society, June Cohen from TED conference
  • Karl-Heinz Brandenburg, the creator of the MP3 format (!)
  • 3 tracks about the future of the music industry
  • digitized world, Joi Ito (!), about virtual worlds and games and specially World of Warcraft
  • casual games, Jeff Clavier, Mathieu Nouzareth from Boonty
  • disruption and innovation, Hugh MacLeod
  • and a last track about branding in virtual worlds
  • Second day (normal tracks)
  • Second day (workshops)
    • breaking the status quo, moderated by Jeff Clavier
    • mobile and web convergence
    • personalization trends, moderated by Ouriel Ohayon (
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