OPEN SOURCE: nagios launches commercial support

via 451 CAOS Theory

nagios nagios enterprises

As about 50’000 other companies, we are using Nagios quite intensively in innoveo for all our infrastructure monitoring activities. Very nice open source tool, tons of functions, huge community.

Ethan Galstad is the creator and lead developer of Nagios since about 9 years now.

He has decided to found Nagios Enterprises, in order to provide professional products and services to organizations in need of monitoring solutions. Here the official announcement.

We are proud to offer a variety of professional solutions for Nagios users – including support and consulting services for organizations that need assistance before, during, and after a Nagios implementation. Together with our partners, Nagios Enterprises can help you deploy and manage an effective monitoring solution for your business.

Their services include the following proposals:

  • support (also 7×24)
  • consulting (integration, customization, performance, architecture)
  • branding solutions (how to increase the awareness of nagios-based solutions)
  • advertising services (advertising nagios-based solutions on

It is also interesting to have a look at Ethan’s explication for the founding and commercialization of Nagios Enterprises services:

By generating revenue through the provision of commercial services and products, I am convinced that Nagios Enterprises can play an important role in helping both the Nagios project and community. Supporting development, accelerating release timelines, helping to promote awareness and advocacy, and ensuring long-term project viability are all things that can be more easily accomplished with funding.

It will be surely quite challenging to keep the right balance between the pure business side (commercialization of services) and the interests of the whole Community. Some governance issues could raise in this field. To help, Nagios Enterprises has set-up a Community Advisors, which could help in case of tensions between both sides.

Good luck to Nagios Enterprises!

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