NEWS: Spin off of Cambridge Technology from Novell


Cambridge Technology Partners, an IT consulting firm on the Swiss market, announced on last Monday its spin off from Novell, after being integrated in 2001.

Here the official press release (pdf).

This decision is the final step in Novell’s process of divestment in business consulting that started early this year. The spin-off will allow Novell to focus on its core business, infrastructure software, and enable Cambridge to further strengthen its position on the market by freely pursuing new business partnerships and launching strategic initiatives around its new solutions in Switzerland and soon in other European countries. Cambridge will continue to be managed by its existing management team.

“The spin-off is great news for our customers as it will reinforce Cambridge’s strategy of agnostic, high-end consulting and technology services.” said Vijay Srinivasan, Cambridge Technology Partners CEO.

It is interesting to note that a part of the Management Team of Cambridge and its employees has already left the company in  to found Optaros. Have a look for example at the CV of Bob Gett, President and CEO of Optaros.

Disclaimer: Bruno von Rotz, VP Strategy and Research of Optaros, is Member of the Board of innoveo.

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