BLOG: 900th posts and the future

I was not very present the last time on my blog, you know why — innoveo is taking quite a lot of time, but it’s good time ;-)

On the other hand, I don’t find so cool that so many good and exciting bloggers are not taking the time anymore to post! Surely, but just partly, an effect of twitter and/or facebook. But hey, I *really* miss all the posts of Marc (I know, you lost your voice), Jeff, Rodrigo, Dragos, and even Loic… All are present on Twitter/Facebook, are posting videos (salut Loic :-), but I am missing the textual post, full of interesting thoughts, well constructed and structured, and so on. I like videos and podcasts, but they are not bringing the same depth of analysis. Nothing particular to blogging, just as it is in our real life, isn’t it?

So, colleagues and friends, do not forget to *write* and articulate some of your thoughts, at least I am missing them ;-) Perhaps I am the only one, who knows!

Now, it is time to talk about me: I will re-start to post regularly, on different topics, as usual. Quite a lot of stuff to exchange with you, to tell you. And I still like to write, even if it is in “broken English” ;-) So, stay tuned, I will try to post daily again.

By the way, this is really funny, it is my 900th post!

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