Articles, books and conferences

Above a list of the different publications and articles linked with my work in the last years by Helvetia, ecenter solutions, and now, innoveo.

Nr Date Language Country Newspaper Content
1 31.10.2002 German Switzerland Schweizer Versicherung pdf
2 26.11.2004 French France 01 Informatique pdf, url
3 06.01.2006 English USA CIO Insight pdf, url
4 11.04.2006 English USA FinanceOnWindow pdf, url
5 11.04.2006 English USA Finextra pdf, url
6 12.04.2006 English USA CRMtoday pdf, url
7 13.04.2006 English USA InfoWorld pdf, url
8 20.04.2006 English Australia ComputerWorld Australia pdf, url
9 24.04.2006 English USA ComputerWorld pdf, url
10 30.04.2006 English USA Enterprise Networks&Servers; pdf, url
11 15.05.2006 English NewZealand ComputerWorld NewZealand pdf, url
12 30.06.2006 German Switzerland Netzwoche pdf
13 01.07.2006 English USA Insurance Networking pdf, url
14 10.07.2006 English USA Computerwire pdf, url
15 24.07.2006 English USA GlobalServices pdf, url
16 04.09.2006 German Germany ComputerZeitung pdf, url
17 06.11.2006 English USA Baseline pdf, url
A 16.04.2003 German Switzerland Euroforum – VersicherungsIT url
B 15.09.2005 German Switzerland IT-Strategie-Forum url
C 29.11.2005 English Russia International Conference url
D 15.05.2006 English Italy HP Enterprise Executive Summit  
E 19.09.2006 English Belgium euroOSCON url


This list is not the definitive one, I know that some stuff are missing (at least: one book, one award, and one article).

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