INNOVEO: New working contracts signed

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innoveo, the reason why I haven’t got the time to blog.

innoveo, the result of months of discussions, negotiation, turbulences, pressure, risk-taking, unknown, and really, sometimes, just BIG shit.

On the other side, since February, an incredible phase, full of learnings, of absolutely great and decisive support from so many people. From my family and Friends. And hey, the most important support, the reason of this new venture, the TEAM. Yes, the driver of the Management Buy-out was not ego-driven. The driver was not the money. The driver was simply to keep this crazy team together, to build-up a platform for our future, with the necessary strategic freedom. And some room for implementing our vision!

We have always said that we have a particular, a quite special team-spirit. A lot of people thought that we were arrogant. Now, guys, I think that it is difficult for you *not to recognize* that we have a strong team-spirit ;-) During the 6 months of the negotiation process, the team has remained absolutely stable and compact, we have delivered greatly all the time (I am very proud of that!), and 14 of the 15 people are joining innoveo on October 1, 2007.

So, my colleagues and friends, Andrea, Bojan, Cédric, Consti, Laurent, Lorenz, Oli, Olivier, Peter, Philippe, Rolf, Roy: it is so great and exciting to work with you, such an honor for me that you have so much trust, a kind of gift :-) Thank you so much!

innoveo team

[left to right: Roy, Peter, Consti, Laurent, Oli, myself, Lorenz, Cédric, Olivier, Rolf, Andrea, Nick, Bojan, Philippe]

All this process would have been totally impossible without my friend and Business partner, Nick Stefania. Alone, we wouldn’t have reached this success. So, “1 + 1 = 3”. Or, as Lorenz said one time: “2 4 all, all 4 2”. We are growing together, and … it is not finished! Some people have tried to divide us, but hey, it is not so easy ;-)

We are also very proud to have constituted such a Board of Directors, but this is for another post!

What else? Perhaps a short explanation of the “why today“: actually we have all resigned today and signed our new working contract with innoveo. So I have thought it is a good time to post ;-) And I must admit, I couldn’t wait anymore to share that with you.

Our Corporate website – – will be launched on October 1, 2007.

innoveo start

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