BUSINESS: Boring presentation?

[via Scott Adams]

Get boring during presentations? Have a look at this story, some people are definitely exaggerating :-)

“About 4,000 nerds go to Barcelona every year to drool all over Microsoft’s new products. What I saw there last week during one presentation surpassed anything Wally has ever done.

“One nerd clearly wasn’t interested in what the guy from Microsoft was saying. So this guy was bored, and started fidgeting. Somewhere along the line he noticed he had forgotten to shave that morning. This was no problem because he could fix that right away: He reached in his pocket and got out… A NAIL CLIPPER.

“Yep, this guy started “SHAVING” himself using only a NAIL CLIPPER.

“Apart from the visual effect (he had to stretch up his face with his hand to avoid injury) the “audio” of the clipping was great too…

“He kept this up for 45 minutes.”

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