eCENTER: EuroOSCON – Open Souce 2.0

Open Source 2.0: Tim O’Reilly

euro oscon 2006

Very good and interesting presention of Tim O’Reilly. Disturbing in a way, because he is already two steps ahead.

Some notes:

  • The 5 characteristics of Open Source 2.0:
    1. architectures of participation beyond software development (web 2.0)
    2. open source licenses are obsolete
      • software is rather performed than distributed
      • not just source code, but also data/database

    3. asymmetric competition
      • craiglist, top sites on internet 2005 – rank 7, with 18 employees

    4. operations as advantage
      • “in the future, being on someone’s platform will mean being hosted on their infrastructure”
      • pay more attention to open source tools that support scalable operations

    5. open data
      • mashups are based on open data ; who is owning these data?
      • creative commons

  • the new face of open source
  • = framework
  • = clonable web apps
  • = mashups, web services

  • we don’t yet know
    • what the platform of the future will look like
    • what the sources of lock-in and competitive advantage will be

  • think ahead, don’t think back
  • euro oscon 2006

    Cross-posted on the ecenter solutions blog.

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