BLOG: Nick has finally started :-)

Good and great news, my preferred-business-partner, Nick Stefania, who is managing ecenter solutions with me, has finally started to blog – Zone out.

As you can see below, we are managing the stuff together. Really, count the number of fingers, we are 2 :-)

nick stefania

Why should you subscribe to his blog / RSS feed (I am giving you the URL of the feed, Nick has forgotten to make an explicit link to it :-) ?

  1. He is a very smart, experienced (old? 44, umh, let’s say it is ok) and nice guy
  2. He is “just” the best project manager I have ever seen in action, world class!
  3. He is an incredible communicator
  4. If you are reading my blog, you are sharing some values and points of interest with me. So do I with Nick. Consequently Nick will be interesting also for you
  5. He has some strong Italian roots, which is annoying for soccer’s discussion, which is great for wines / meals / restaurants / etc.
  6. He has a marvelous and very nice wife, also with “some” Italian roots, but more from the south of Italy ;-)
  7. Great humor, excepted for soccer’s discussions
  8. I am irritated, just because your are asking, I have a *lot* of respect for him, so have a look ;-)

Two great post-examples from Nick:

  • about our discussion with Stephen Wallis (bio, blog), VP of Optaros, who is helping us to define a commercial license with Open Source advantages and components (hehehe, you are interested? Stay tuned :-)
  • about Dabbawala (Wikipedia’s article), an absolute great Indian story coming from our last hired colleague, Roy, who joined us in Mai and who is coming from Bangalore.

Just forget the post about the Italian victory, less important….

So Nick, welcome in the blogosphere!

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