So, some news and updates concerning the coming conference Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris.
- 257 confirmed participants, 92 seats available
- About 50 (!) very well-known and exciting speakers, have a look at the speakers’ list
- Below, the program highlights:
- How is blogging challenging the Corporate World ?
- How is blogging affecting corporations ?
- How is blogging and citizen publishing changing the media landscape ?
- Investing 2.0 : The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- How blogs influence politics ?
- Blogs and education
- What are the tools used and how we can all best benefit from them ?
- How to socialize in the year 2055
- Tracking/Listening to the Online World
- Eight ideas that will really revolutionize the 21st century (and why blogging isn’t one of them)
You can register here.