BLOG: Back from Management Forum

Wow, I am back and happy to be at home again for the week-end. It was definitely great but exhausting this year. I had 24 face-2-face in 3 days + the conferences + workshops + … the good foods and wines ;-)

Different themes this year:

  • Growth strategies – expanding the corporation by Christoph Lechner, who is Professor of Strategic Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. I *have* to come back to this one, one of the best strategic inputs in my last 2 years. Impressive.
  • How to develop a Sales Channel Management Strategy by Marcus Schoegel, Professor in Marketing Management at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
  • Last but not least, the first inputs concerning the new strategy 2007-2010 of the Helvetia Patria Group. This part is … confidential ;-)

Very good contacts, a *lot* of great talks, very inspiring! And what for a weather, crazy!


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