NEWS: Yahoo buys Konfabulator

[via Heiko & Russel & BetaNews]

First contact with this geek’s tool in October 2004, then in November 2004, again in December 2004, and finally in April this year.

Let’s just get this out of the way… Konfabulator is now free. Yup. If you download version 2.1 you know what you’ll never ever see? That’s right a registration reminder. Fear not, there’s nothing sneaky in there, no spyware, no ads, nothing that’s keeping track of information and sending it to us… it’s pure, uncut Konfabulator goodness.

Now, we can currently hear the cries of all those people who’ve recently purchased Konfabulator. Fear not, people, for you will be given the gift of a refund if you purchased Konfabulator 2.0 or later. Revel in the glory of it.


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