NEWS: MS FY 2005

[via Microsoft]

Again, quite impressive results of Microsoft for the Fiscal Year 2005 (closed end of June).

Income FY 2005

Microsoft FY 2005

More than $12 bn net income. Wow. What an incredible margin. And $6.2 bn invested in R&D.;

Segment revenues FY 2005

Microsoft FY 2005


  • server&business;
  • business solutions (eg: Navision, CRM, Solomon)
  • server&tools; (eg: Windows Server, SQLServer, developer tools)

  • pc eXPerience
    • client (eg: WindowsXP, MediaCenter, TabletPC)
    • information worker (eg: Office, Project, Visio, OneNote)

  • consumer&devices;
    • mobile&embedded; devices (eg: Mobile SW, MapPoint)
    • home&entertainment; (eg: Xbox, PC and online games)
    • MSN (eg: MSN Search)

    WinXP and Office generate, as usual, a *lot* of cash for MS, definitely their cash-cows. A great positive development concerning the Server and Tool segment. The other segments are still losing money, excepted MSN.

    Revenues 1985 – 2005

    MS revenues 85-05

    Net income 1985 – 2005

    MS net income 85-05

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