BUSINESS: what kind of company you want to build?

[via Rodrigo]

Marc Andreesen on launching start-ups. I like these “rules-of-the-games” ;-)

We have been around the start-up block enough times to have a very clear idea of what kind of company we want to build. Here are some of the things we believe in:

  • Run fast, fly low, and be cheap
  • Promote from within–quickly
  • Keep everyone informed, both on the good news and the bad news
  • Organize based on a cell structure for both technical and non-technical functions
  • 3-5 person teams
  • Flat organization

  • Be transparent
    • Review projects every 2 weeks

  • Reward innovation, ingenuity, and hard work
    • Meritocracy
    • Evaluate and reward managers based on development of people
    • Top down reassignments of high achievers

  • Build a team with potential, drive, curiosity, intelligence and ambition
    • Don’t have to have experience or a track record
    • We want people to build experience and track records with us

  • Train people
    • Everyone teaches
    • Honest, frequent feedback
    • Weekly 1:1, staff, and all hands meetings
    • Written career development plans

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