BUSINESS: The 2005 e-Readiness rankings

Thomas should be proud of that study, Denmark is Number one. A good argument for one of his last post :-)

Interesting free study (pdf, 281kb) from the Economist Intelligence Unit.

A country’s e-readiness is essentially a measure of its e-business environment, a collection of factors that indicate how amenable a market is to Internet-based opportunities.

[…] The e-readiness rankings are a weighted collection of nearly 100 quantitative and qualitative criteria, organised into six distinct categories measuring the various components of a country’s social, political, economic and of course technological development.

[…] E-readiness is not simply a matter of the number of computer servers, websites and mobile phones in the country (although these naturally form a core component of the rankings), but also such things as its citizens’ ability to utilise technology skillfully, the transparency of its business and legal systems, and the extent to which governments encourage the use of digital technologies.

The 25 first countries:

e-Readiness Ranking 2005

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