BLOG: Statistics March 2005

As usual, I would like to publish some information about my monthly statistics.

Technical statistics March 2005

– number of hits: 189’424 (daily min.: 3’994, max.: 10’381)
– number of pageviews: 45’678 (daily min.: 1’080, max.: 2’327)
– number of sessions: 24’213 (daily min.: 491, max.: 1’506)
– bytes transferred: 5.92 GB (daily min.: 120 MB, max.: 348 MB)

Requested pages March 2005

– weblog: 81% (thereof atom.xml: 30%, BootstrappersBible.pdf: 1.39%)
– website: 16%
– robots.txt: 3%

Browsers March 2005


The version 6.0 of Internet Explorer represents 93% of the IE’s used to access my pages.

Some countries of my visitors March 2005

33 different countries identified:

Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Niue, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Traffic development



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