BUSINESS: again, a “10 things I have learned”

[via Seth]

Again, a great post from Seth Godin. This guy is incredible, so much to learn here :-)

Seth refers to a “10 things I have learned” from Milton Glaser, an American graphic designer. Have a look, the entire text is really very interesting and illustrative.

  1. You can only work for people that you like.
  2. If you have a choice, never have a job.
  3. Some people are toxic, avoid them.
  4. Professionalism is not enough, or the good is the enemy of the great.
  5. Less is not necessarily more.
  6. Style is not to be trusted.
  7. How you live change your brain.
  8. Doubt is better than certainty.
  9. Solving the problem is more important than being right.
  10. Tell the truth.

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