BLOG: 1st anniversary

Yeay, my blog is exactly one year old :-) I published my first post on March 1, 2004.

Some statistics, the last 12 months




Interesting to note that the number of hits per pageview and/or session is very low. This comes from all the traffic on the "atom.xml".

Evolution of the traffic


The last month (February 2005)

  • 525 downloads of the Bootstrapper’s Bible from Seth Godin
  • traffic structure:

    • weblog: 78%, thereof about one third comes from the atom.xml (in January: more than 50%)
    • website: 17%
    • robots: 5%

  • the two most requested web pages are the one about Fuerventura and the other about Belle Ile
  • the most requested month from the weblog archive is July 2004 (12% of the overall traffic)
  • some traffic surely comes from Mac users :-) => Safari browsers (about 1.5%)
  • I can see readers from over 30 countries, who are on my weblog more or less regularly: Brazil, Germany, South Korea, Russia, Japan, Austria, Spain, UK, US, Australia, Greece, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Sweden, Slovak Republic, Israel, France, Latvia, Portugal, Ecuador, Hungary, Denmark, Taiwan, Poland, Romania, Ireland, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Norway, Colombia
  • browsers which access my weblog


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