BLOG: I was off three days

I was of from Monday till Wednesday for a strategic workshop in the “middle of nowhere”. So, after having tested a Benedictine monastery (“Kloster Fischingen“) in July for a session about Change Management, we will stay at a Carthusian monastery (“Karthause Ittingen“).

Really a nice place, somewhat outside the world.

At this rate, I will be able to write a kind of “Michelin guide” of the religious locations in Switzerland ;-)

From Wikipedia:

The Carthusians are a Christian religious order founded by St Bruno in 1084. There exist both Carthusian monks and nuns. They follow their own Rule, called the Statutes, rather than the Rule of St Benedict (as is often erroneously reported) and combine eremitical (hermit-like) and cenobitic monastic life. Carthusians are sometimes considered the highest order of the Catholic Church, in terms of strictness (this refers to the idea that one is only allowed to switch your religious order if you are going to one that is more strict, and the top being the Carthusians).

kartause ittingen

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