TOOLS: MSN Web Messenger

As a lot of companies are blocking the usage of MSN Messenger and other identical real-time communication applications (the port ranges are blocked in the firewalls), it could be very interesting to use the exclusively web-based version of MSN Messenger called MSN Web Messenger. Really no client software installion required, only a browser with a web-navigator. Good idea! And it’s working very well with Firefox ;-)

You must have the following to use MSN Web Messenger:

  • A web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, Netscape 7.1 or later, or Mozilla 1.6 or later, running in Microsoft Windows.
  • An Internet connection (56 Kbps or faster recommended)
  • A Microsoft® .NET Passport. If you have a or account, you already have a Passport.
  • Popups enabled for this web site if you are using popup blocker software like the MSN Toolbar

What is the difference between Web Messenger and Messenger?

MSN Messenger is a fully featured instant messaging program that you install on your own computer or one you have permission to install on. MSN Web Messenger enables you to quickly and easily use basic instant messaging features on a web browser on any computer without installing any software.

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