BUSINESS: Knowledge-sharing based on weblogs (01)

Interesting article (html, pdf) from Martin Röll, the content was presented during the BlogTalk 2.0 in Vienna-Austria on July 2004. As the author of the paper, I am convinced that an email client cannot be the base of proper knowledge management. Some important mandatory functionalities are simply missing. I agree also with his analysis when he says that weblogs could and should be used as a central personal knowledge management tool. In this field, I will also post some comments and inputs about the usage of Groove and its new version in the coming days.

Some abstracts of the article:

Knowledge work processes

Source: Framework for Knowledge Work Analysis (Efimova, 2004)

From this framework the following processes can be identified:

  • Organising personal information (“Personal Information Management”)
  • Making sense of information (personal)
  • Negotiating meaning (social)
  • “Creating” new ideas
  • Establishing and maintaining a personal network
  • Collaborating in communties
  • Finding (codified) information

  • Source: Knowledge Work Processes (own illustration, based on Efimova, 2004)

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