NEWS: about the MyDoom’s attack of Google

The VP of Operations of Google – Urs Hoelzle – blogged yesterday about the MyDoom attack which impacts Google a bit.

Interesting effect and good preparation of the search engines’ ops responsibles!

[From Internet Storm Center]

The latest version of MyDoom, which started arriving in people’s mail boxes in force Monday morning, uses search engines to find more recipients for its message.

Like other viruses, MyDoom-O will search the infected system for valid e-mail addresses. However, MyDoom-O uses a new twist to find additional e-mail addresses. It will search four different search engines (Altavista, Google, Lycos, Yahoo) for additional e-mail addresses within the domain of e-mail addresses found locally (e.g. if it finds, it will search for additional addresses that end in

Google and Lycos experienced significant problems as a result of the large number of queries caused by MyDoom infected systems. However, there is no evidence that this DDOS effect’ was the purpose of the virus.

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