Some quotations about changes
Changing something doesn’t necessarily implies that things are getting better.
But if we want to make things better, we definitely have to change something.
Georg Lichtenberg
Who only does what he can, remains what he is.
Herman Hess
Change – the linguistic roots
The original meaning of the old French word changer was "bend" or "turn", like a tree or vine searching for the sun.
The idea that "the only constant is change" has been a truism of life since at least the time of Heraclitus, circa 500 B.C.
Today in business and organisations, the word "change" sometimes refers to external changes (in technology, customers, competitors, market structure or the social and political environment).
"Changes" also refers to internal change: how the organisation adapts to changes in the environment.
Today, some managers use the word "transformation" to describe comprehensive, really large organizational change initiatives. The original latin word transformare simply means "to change shape".
Source: G. Müller-Stewens / Ch. Lechner