I was 4 days off for a very interesting workshop about “change management”, some posts to come in the next days ;-) We did this in the middle of nowhere, more precisely in a Benedictine monastery called “Kloster Fischingen” (webiste in German). The monastery is an old one, it was actually built in 1138 (!) and is located in an incredible beautiful landscape. It is still active, 7 Benedictine monks are living in this monastery.
The rooms are also quite…special :-)
No TV, no phone, quite austere… On the other hand, there is a wiFi Hotspot from swisscom in the monastery. Wow, I can tell you, that was a great experience to be connected in this kind of place. Swisscom is just exagerating: 9 CHF (~6 euros) / 30 minutes for a 56 K connection, on top of the business subscription….
It was somewhat strange to make a workshop about “change management” in a totally timeless place, out of the world :-) Great experience!