I already published two articles about Sauce Reader on Mai 24 and Mai 14. Synop released on last Friday a new version:
Sauce Reader v1.5 (beta)
I’m using intensively Sauce Reader since more than a month and I would like to summarize my impression:
What’s Cool
Great user interface
Very good usability
Since this version: performance, stability and a quite good memory foot-print
Free for personal use, reasonnable price for commercial use ($25US per license)
Customization of keyboard shortcuts
Great desktop alert
Support of proxy, great feature to stay tuned at work
Last but not least, very active development team, professional alpha- and beta-phase
Room for improvement
I’m still not totally convinced by the “posting” module because of the way the HMTL decoration is integrated in (specially the “P” and “BR” tags). I still prefer to use the very simple Blogger web interface…
All in all, I think that Sauce Reader is the best aggregator at this moment. The last developments of this tool (three releases now) give me a very convincing impression of the Synop’s capability and user orientation.
PS: Laurent also posted some comments about this new release.