Saint Barth 2012 – Day 4

Yesterday, our ritual morning visit to another beach, this time Saint Jean. Quite disappointed as there are still some seaweeds in the water and on the beach (I know, I know, better to be there as at home, but still, the other beaches were more attractive ;-). On the other side, nice place to walk.

Saint Jean beach

Saint Barth 2012 – Day 2

Yesterday, first morning beach at Saline. This made totally the difference for me and brought me completely in the Saint Barth vibes. The beach is again fantastic, no seaweeds anymore.

Ahhhh these Caribbean colors. You think you remember, but you have to be there to be "shocked" again ;-)

Saline Beach

Slowing down, slowing down :-)

Saint Barth 2012 – Day 0

What a wonderful feeling!! In a bit more than one day (i.e. on Wednesday evening) we will be in Saint Barth :-) After 6 months, being able to go there again is just a fantastic dream for the three of us. We are just … happy!

This stay is quite a special one, as we have some particular figures to celebrate: 2x 10, 1x 15, 2x 40. Our son’s 10th Birthday, our 15th Wedding Anniversary, our 40th Birthdays (my wife and myself), and finally…. the 10th time we are on the Island ;-)

The 10th time we are going back to Saint Barth, wow. We would have laughed at you some years ago if you would have told us: “you will return 10 times on the same 25km2 island”!

But perhaps by being a bit more precise, saying that there are so many great restaurants, a so nice weather during this winter time. Explaining that you can find 14 completely different beaches, so many crazy and colorful views and villas. Stressing the fact that you will meet nice and lovely people, that you can shop, drink superb rums, smoke crazy cigars at night on the villa terrace with millions of stars in the sky, read a lot of books. And finally, just having some time for you and for your beloveds…. Wow, it sounds immediately different, no? ;-)

As usual, I’m also very excited to have time to photograph this nice place and to share some of our good “human moments” with you.

(Pointe Toiny, August 2011)

Countdown started for Saint Barth 2012 ;-)

So, in exactly 2 months (yyyeeeesss), we will be in Saint Barth for our 10th stay there (celebrate!), our 15 years of marriage anniversary (celebrate!), and my 40 years (celebrate!).

Wow, the restaurants selection will be tough!

Villa for the first time “on the beach” (one of the few possibility on the island) ;-)

"Perfect Pairs" photo contest

Just to inform you (hope I’m not bothering…) that I’m participating to a photo contest organized by SmugMug and BayPhotoLab with an unusual topic: "Perfect Pairs" (they are celebrating their partnership).

Have a look at the submissions (already 900!), some of them are really good.

I have submitted 3 pictures from our last Winter trip to Saint Barth in February.

I you like one of them, you can help me and vote (comment, Facebook or Twitter) after having clicked on the picture below. And if you don’t like them, just forget this post ;-)

Saint Barth Winter skies

Saint Barth Winter skiesPhotographers Name : Didier BeckPhotographers Location : Wittenheim, FranceTo vote in favor for this photo, simply add a comment below. You can also share this photo on Facebook and Twitter using the buttons above.

Two columns by night in Saint Barth

Two columns by night in Saint BarthPhotographers Name : Didier BeckPhotographers Location : Wittenheim, FranceTo vote in favor for this photo, simply add a comment below. You can also share this photo on Facebook and Twitter using the buttons above.

Tender moment of Mother & Son in Saint Barth

Tender moment of Mother & Son in Saint BarthPhotographers Name : Didier BeckPhotographers Location : Wittenheim, FranceTo vote in favor for this photo, simply add a comment below. You can also share this photo on Facebook and Twitter using the buttons above.