PICTURES: Hyperion


Great view of Hyperion, another moon of Saturn (diameter: 360x280x225 km).

This stunning false-color view of Hyperion reveals crisp details and differences in color across the strange, tumbling moon’s surface that could represent differences in the composition of surface materials. The view was obtained during Cassini’s very close flyby on September 26, 2005.

Hyperion has a notably reddish tint when viewed in natural color. The red color was toned down in this false-color view, and the other hues were enhanced, in order to make more subtle color variations across Hyperion’s surface more apparent.

Images taken using infrared, green and ultraviolet spectral filters were combined to create this view. The images were taken with the narrow angle camera from a distance of approximately 62,000 kilometers (38,500 miles) from Hyperion and at a Sun-Hyperion-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 52 degrees. The image scale is 362 meters (1,200 feet) per pixel.


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