NEWS: Les Blogs 2 – Program is out

Les Blogs 2I registered in September for the 2nd edition of the conference Les Blogs in Paris. A draft of the program is published here. Interesting.

It is not only about blogging, it’s about changing the way we think

What defines this new way of thinking and acting ? Difficult to say, let’s try to define it together. I would say that transparency, openness and collaboration are the key values that drive this phenomenon. It is not only about blogging, not only about social software and other tools, it is much broader. Of course bloggers are at the forefront of this way of life: unformal, friendly, no powerpoint and no ties…

Let’s define together these new values and understand :
1. How they challenge the corporate world
2. How they change the media landscape
3. How they bring more democracy in politics
4. How education evolves
5. What are the tools used and how we can all best benefit from them
6. Where we are going in the near and longer term future

A companion wiki is also opened here.

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