eCENTER: International Life & Pension Insurance Conference

International Life & Insurance Conference

I am very proud to announce you that Nick Stefania and myself are invited by hp Financial Services Industry to present our ecenter solutions case at the coming International Life & Pension Insurance Conference in Moscow, Russia. We are integrated in the following session:

Energize the Life Insurance Market with Hot New Technologies.

The title of our presentation is:

An innovative approach to support new products and multichannel distribution.

We are very excited to be able to show how we are supporting the Business with our technology. Great opportunity!

Now some information about the Conference itself.

It is about…

“We are proud to announce the first ever international life insurance congress to be held in Moscow, Russia. We have brought together many highly regarded international experts in the field of life insurance who will share with the audience their ideas and strategies for successful investment in emerging markets. Among the speakers are CEOs and executive managers of leading USA, European, UK, CIS and Asian financial services companies; Heads of Financial & Insurance Supervision Authorities; International Actuarial Association; Senior Representatives of Financial and Investment institutions; “cutting edge” information technology firms, and other insurance experts. We are sure that this important conference will help to boost the development of the life insurance industry in the CIS region”. Olga Ruf-Fiedler, Chair of the Organizing Committee and Vice President of Winterthur Group, Switzerland

Conference topics

  • International experience in developing life & pension insurance in emerging markets. Lessons and opportunities
  • Investment climate for Eastern Europe, CIS and Asia
  • Regulatory framework and economic climate in Russia and CIS. Prospects and tendencies. International standards for life insurance supervision
  • Life insurance local features Eastern Europe & CIS (regional peculiarities) – Transformation process Eastern Europe
  • Marketing & Distribution strategies for long term life insurance – how to increase demand and win customers’ trust
  • Bancassurance – global trends and developments
  • Modern technologies in life insurance – learn from the experience of Western European insurers and technology firms
  • Asset liability management – popular financial instruments and Long term financial instruments

We will address¨the above-marked 3 topics in our presentation.

Who should attend

CEOs and senior managers of leading CIS, Asian and International insurance companies, Heads of financial and insurance groups, Banks, senior actuaries, insurance and IT experts and consultants.

You can register here.

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