didier beck weblog

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

4th HD video from Saint Barth – Some sunsets 

Some of the fantastic sunsets we have seen last year, from the villa Ella.

In about 10 days, we will there again, so I don’t know if I will publish new ones or not till then ;-)

Let’s see!

As usual, you should have a look at the high-res version here.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

3rd HD video from Saint Barth – Colombier beach 

After the short presentation of the the villa Ella, a third HD video about Saint Barth, this time concerning one of our preferred beach, Colombier. One of the must of the island and a marvelous location for snorkeling!

As usual, you should also have a look at the high-res version here.

And still not the last video.

The next one will be for Laurent.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

2nd HD video from Saint Barth – Villa Ella 

As mentioned in this post, I am publishing some HD video (720p, i.e. a 1280x720 resolution) on SmugMug.

Below, the second one (embedded in DVD quality). Topic is still Saint Barth, this time, with some views of the villa we were in, and the fantastic panoramic views on the Saint Barth airport and the Saint Jean Bay.

You should also have a look at the high-res version here.

Some other new HD videos to be published in the coming days!

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Saturday, January 03, 2009

HD Video from Saint Barth 

I have published my first HD video (720p, i.e. a 1280x720 resolution) on SmugMug, with our last Saint Barth winter break in February 2008 as “topic”. I will continue to regularly publish some short sessions about this travel in the coming time.

The embedded version below is the so-called DVD version (640x480 resolution).

You may like to have a look at the HD version here.

I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 as a video editing software (yes, I have a license…) and my Sony Handycam HDR-HC3.

The music used to illustrate the video is coming from ccMixter.org, very nice source for good-quality Creative Commons licensed tracks!

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back from St Barth 

So, we are back since last Friday. As usual, the “landing” is quite difficult after 2 weeks on this incredible island. And not just because of the jet lag…

I would like to share with you 8 pictures from our trip. And no, I don’t know why 8, but it sounds good ;-)


From Guadeloupe to Saint Barth, beautiful lights



Saint Jean Bay, the west part



Petite Anse, from the beach



Petite Anse, from the top



Colombier Bay



Grand Cul de Sac



Petit Cul de Sac



From the Gustavia lighthouse



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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Off to Saint Barth till August 22 

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, customers and competitors … and readers :-)

I am off to St Barth with my wife and son till August 22. The first time for us there … during the summer!

If there will be no strike, if the weather will be ok (no hurricane, it is the season now), if there will be no issue with the plane, etc., we will be again in St Barth tomorrow, exactly there:

villa st barth


  • Day : 34°C
  • Night : 26°C
  • Ocean : 29°C

This is actually the case only if we don’t have any hurricane :-)

I will publish some videos & pictures there, stay tuned.

Have a good time and take care!

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Flickr video 

I have started to play a bit with the new flickr video extension. An example below from my travel to St Barth (with my htc touch cruise):

Some information about the new service:

  • only the pro accounts can upload videos
  • each video file must be smaller than 150MB or 90s
  • formats supported: AVI, WMV, MOV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, 3gp
  • video player based on Flash

Not bad ;-)

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Monday, February 18, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 17th day (part II) 

Colombier Bay, with boats, and the beautiful colorful ocean!


St Barth 2008 - 17th day (part I) 

For our last full day on the island, we have decided to go again to Colombier. We have taken the second way to go there. About the same time (30') but much more harder... Quite a lot of boats today in the Colombier Bay.

A very long snorkeling session with my son, we have visited the right end of the Bay. It was just fantastic! A giant aquarium.

For our last dinner in St Barth, some stuff from Le Bouchon that we have taken back in the villa.

Tomorrow, we have to give back the car and the villa before 12:00. Flight to St Martin at 14:30. St Martin to Paris at 17:00. We should be in Paris at 06:00 (on Tuesday, with the time shift) and in Mulhouse for the lunch.

Long trip, bad mood. No comment, I know how far we are lucky to be there, a fact which is not really helping to come back from this "paradise"...


Sunday, February 17, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 16th day (part II) 

Corossol Beach, the place for snorkeling, near and between all these rocks.


St Barth 2008 - 16th day (part I) 

Weather quite strange today (very warm with sudden heavy rains). Anyway, good half day at Corossol Beach.

François, our Chairman at Innoveo, has joined us in St Barth, as he was off in the Caribbic too. So, we had all 4 together a good breakfast at Maya's to Go, and a lunch at Do Brazil. Cool ;)

The best dinner *ever* this evening in St Barth at the Eden Rock's restaurant. Absolutely fantastic, great service, unforgettable view on the St Jean Bay "by night". We have also seen some turtles in the ocean. Just unbelievable :)


Saturday, February 16, 2008

St Bart 2008 - 15th day (part II) 

St Barth is definitely a volcanic island!


St Barth 2008 - 15th day (part I) 

Today was a windy day, but hot! We were at the Flamand Beach. Impressive, huge, almost nobody.

This evening, very good dinner at Do Brazil (first time in 4 years, definitely too many good restaurants here ;). Very special atmosphere because this restaurant is directly on Shell Beach (cf. 12th day)!


Friday, February 15, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 14th day 

St Barth 2008 - 14th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

Back to the normal relaxing routine today. Hot and a bit windy, 25°C at 07:00 in the morning, 29°C during the day, 27°C in the ocean. Too cool :)

Also back to St Jean (east) Beach this morning.

Again, simple dinner at Le Bouchon, other places just too crowdy because of St Valentin's Day!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 13th day 

St Barth 2008 - 13th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

This morning, it was raining cats and dogs! So, it was time to do some shopping again in Gustavia (Blanc Bleu, Carat, Vuitton, Pati de St Barth).

After lunch, the weather was again "normal" and we could intensively benefit from the swimming-pool at the villa. Good simple dinner at Andy.

I have just finished to read a bit more than 800 new pages, on top of the "first" 1'500. No book anymore now...


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 12th day (part II) 

Shelves on the beach, or Beach of shelves ;)


St Barth 2008 - 12th day (part I) 

First time at Shell Beach this year! This beach is actually full of ... shelves. Have a look at the next post to have an idea. Funny place also for snorkeling, as there is the same quantity of shelves in the ocean as on the beach.

This evening, dinner at the Wall House Restaurant, with reservation this time ;) Simply excellent!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 11th day 

St Barth 2008 - 11th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

Again, at Corossol Beach today. Extremely warm, about no wind. We have also visited l'Anse des Cayes and l'Anse des Lézards. Both are really wild!

Two long snorkeling sessions with my son. Lot of stuff to look at there :)

This evening, we wanted to have dinner at the Wall House Restaurant in Gustavia. As usual, without reservation, just forget it ;) So we were finally at Le Bouchon. Excellent for the price!

Before dinner, some shopping at Mia Sia, Carat and Le Piment Vert. Very good (but cool) service everywhere.


Monday, February 11, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 10th day 

St Barth 2008 - 11th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

This morning, it was raining like hell ... during about 30'. Then, beautiful (and hot!) weather. We were at St Jean Beach (east), as I cannot walk quite well because of my foot sprain...

Also just finished my 3rd book in 10 days. Not bad, more than 1'500 pages during the last days, plus some magazines ;) This means : less emails = more readings!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 9th day (part II) 

A second picture of Colombier.


St Barth 2008 - 9th day (part I) 

So today was *the* big day. As the weather was perfect, we have decided to go to the most beautiful beach of St Barth (in our personal opinion, there are definitely different views in this field): Colombier. Different reasons: a) beach and sand are absolutely fantastic b) you have to walk about 30' to access the beach, wild nature & great views all along the way c) best snorkeling place of St Barth!

First time of "total" snorkeling (with tuba) for my son. Great moment, he was absolutely fascinated by the "world of silence" :)

I have tried the "landscape" mode of my mobile cam.

PS: got a foot sprain on the way back, and at the beginning. I have needed about 1h to walk back. I have lost some kg by jumping on the other foot, as I couldn't walk normally ;) Gosh!


Saturday, February 09, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 8th day 

St Barth 2008 - 8th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

The weather was a bit more cloudy this morning, so we had first a walk at Marigot, Petit Cul de Sac and Grand Cul de Sac. Great beaches but more "wild".

After that, we were at Corossol Beach, great small beach, excellent for snorkeling!

Dinner at "home", based on Maya's to Go cattering. And a BIG self-made planteur :)


Friday, February 08, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 7th day 

St Barth 2008 - 7th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

Today first snorkeling and first time at Lorient Beach. HUGE beach actually.

This evening, great dinner at K'fé Massai, and specially a great "carpaccio de canards aux truffes", umh :)


Thursday, February 07, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 6th day 

St Barth 2008 - 6th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

Absolutely fantastic day at the "King of the Beach", i.e. Gouverneur! Tough day for the skin ;)

This evening, back to "Andy" for a great "pierrade".


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 5th day (part II) 

This afternoon, we could attend to the unique St Barth carnaval!


St Bart 2008 - 5th day (part I) 

Ocean was much more calm today. So, Saint Jean beach (east) was a good choice! Absolutely fantastic colors :)

Lunch based on Maya's to go stuff. Waow, still a good experience!


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 4th day 

St Barth 2008 - 4th day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

Today, Flamand beach! It was really great, though the waves were really too big for my son...

Also a first nap ;)

And this evening, a cool dinner at Maya's. Super place, extra service, also with children. Specially like when waitress says "you are from the island!". Yes, for sure, we are working on it ;)


Monday, February 04, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 3rd day 

St Barth 2008 - 3rd day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

This morning, we were at the Saline beach. Quite windy, cool waves to play in with my son. Then, my first cheesburger at Le Petit Bouchon and the afternoon in the villa's pool. First sunburns, but nothing dramatic ;-)
I will try not to forget my mobile at the beach tomorrow... for the picture!


Sunday, February 03, 2008

St Barth 2008 - 2nd day 

St Barth 2008 - 2nd day, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

Already at the beach at 07:30 this morning (jet-lagged) - St Jean west. Half the day in the ocean with my son. Great dinner at Pipiri in Gustavia (yesterday we started at Andy) where my wife had to chose the lobster she wanted to eat!

Good shopping start too, with a visit to the Blanc Bleu, Pati de St Barth and metis boutiques...


Friday, February 01, 2008

Travel - third step 

Travel - third step, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

Hello from St Barth!! Trip was ok, on time, I have slept a lot. Wifi is also working in the villa :) Swimming-pool already tested. The villa is crazy. Again, this very special atmosphere. And 28°C!


Travel - second step 

Travel - second step, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

And now, the second step: Paris to St Martin.


Travel - From MLH to CDG 

Travel - From MLH to CDG, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

First step of the travel : Mulhouse to Paris. And hey, it's my birthday today, 36, outch :-)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trip preparation! 

Trip preparation!, originally uploaded by didierbeck.

A great book to prepare the travel to St Barth. And my first direct post
via HTC Touch Cruise - wifi - email - flickr - blogger! Wow.
