didier beck weblog

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I have to cut 6 old (about 40 years old) and big (about 15m high) firs in the garden near our house. Started on last Saturday with the first one…

Always have the impression I’m Charles Ingalls in the Little House on the prairie :-)


My son (1.35m) in the branchs!

So, still 5 to go :-)

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Snowy morning… 

March 11, still winter time.

This morning: snow and -3°C.

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Friday, March 05, 2010

ST BARTH DAY14 – Saint Jean and its sea turtles 

Again, Saint Jean Beach, with its sea turtles. So elegant!

Sea turtles


Saint Jean


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Thursday, March 04, 2010

ST BARTH DAY13 – Saline beach again 

Saline beach again…

Saline beach


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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ST BARTH DAY10 – Morning and evening lights 

Some examples of the different lights on Saint Barth. Always changing, always interesting and beautiful...

From the villa at 07:00


From the Gustavia lighthouse at 18:00


Gustavia harbor at 18:30


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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ST BARTH DAY9 – Gouverneur 

Ahhh Gouverneur…

Surely one of our preferred beach on Saint Barth. The colors are just crazy. We had definitely a great time there!

Gouverneur beach



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Monday, February 15, 2010

ST BARTH DAY8 – Big waves at Flamand and Lorient beach 

The swell has generated quite bug waves yesterday! We had a walk at Flamand beach in the morning, quite impressive. Never seen such kind of waves in the last 6 years…

Then, a visit to the Lorient beach, beautiful colors, lots of families. Really cool.

We had a super nice dinner at the Eden Rock. Always one of the dinners’ highlight on Saint Barth ;-)

Big waves at Flamand


Lorient beach



Intensive day ;-)

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

ST BARTH DAY7 – Palm trees shadows on Saint Jean Beach 

We had another great morning at the Saint Jean Beach. The afternoon was quite cloudy, but hey, that was ok for our skins ;-)

A “simple” evening at the restaurant/take away “Le Petit Bouchon”. I had a cool Beef Carpaccio, with a lot of Parmesan and … French fries!

Shadows on Saint Jean Beach

This evening should one of the “dinner highlight”!

More on that tomorrow.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

ST BARTH DAY6 – Colombier and Petite Anse 

Colombier Bay is still so marvelous. We were there quite early in the morning and were alone on the beach during 2 hours. Nice experience ;-)

The views during the walk to the Colombier beach are quite fantastic.

Nice evening too at the Pipiri Palace restaurant in Gustavia. As usual there, good atmosphere, good service, nice people, and very good meal.



Walk to Colombier


Petite Anse


Yes, we know that it is still snowing at home, again 10cm!

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

ST BARTH DAY5 – Grand Fond and its “baignoires” 

Yesterday was another great “Saint Barth’s” day!

First a great 3-hours stroll at Grand Fond, where we have visited the so-called “baignoires”, i.e. the natural baths created by the ocean erosion.

Also our first shopping at Gustavia: Pati of Saint Barth, Mia Zia, etc.

Then a very good dinner at Maya’s restaurant. Cool and efficient service, very fresh. I had first a Mojito cocktail, then a big salad (mesclun, how do you call it in English?) and a fantastic Tandori (no Roy it wasn’t so much spicy, as you would like it ;-).

Everywhere, a lot of cool known faces, who made us feel at home!

Grand Fond beach

The famous baignoires of Saint Barth




That’s exactly the kind of perfect day which will make us come back here as soon as possible…

Tomorrow should be another stroll to Colombier, with a snorkeling session.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

ST BARTH DAY3 – Saline Beach 

Monday was very hot, no wind until the evening. Wow, good for the tan and heavy for the skin ;-) No restaurant, but BBQs at the villa.

Saline beach

Swimming-pool of the villa

Cool day, again!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter time 

This week-end was quite special. We had first -12°C during the day on Saturday. Then -14°C during the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Sunday was much more warm, about -3°C, but with 15 cm snow and a very strange light.

(Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF17-40, ISO 3200, post-prod with DxO Optics Pro v6.1)

Some other pictures on visuals.didierbeck.com.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Saint Barth Portfolio 2009 (wrap up) – February 2009 

Finally the wrap up/poster of my Saint Barth Portfolio 2009.

I have started to publish this portfolio on June 18, 2009 with this post.

The idea was the following:

I will publish 2 pictures from each region of the island per post. Force to choose ;-)

I hope I haven’t bothered you too much with these 16 posts!

I really had to finish, as the countdown is running for our next stay in Saint Barth (February 2010)! About 50 days to go :-)

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