didier beck weblog

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Presentation Zeitgeist 2009 @ SlideShare 

SlideShare has published its “ruling trends in the world of presentations for the year gone by”. Funny, interesting, well done!

Some highlights:

  • The average number of slides in a presentation: 19.3
  • The maximum number of slides: 1’375 (!)
  • Presentation typography: Arial 42%, Times New Roman 22% (!), Wingdings 17%
  • Average number of pages per language: max = French with 38 :-)
  • Presentation formats: PPT 61%, PPTX 17%, PPS 14%
  • Average number of pictures: 19, average size of picture: 205 kb
  • 7% of all presentations without a single image!
  • Average size of presentation: 5.4 MB

Cross-posted on the Innoveo Blog

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Maserati GranCabrio 

Again, an absolutely fantastic car from Maserati!

The new Maserati GranCabrio to premiere in Frankfurt.

The Maserati GranCabrio, the first four-seater convertible in the Trident carmaker's history, will make its world wide debut on September 15 at the upcoming Frankfurt Motor Show. […]

It’s a Maserati in the purest sense of the word: from the unmistakable style by Pininfarina to the spacious interior […]

Four proper seats, so that the rear passengers are not merely supporting actors, but co-stars of the journey. […]

The GranCabrio is powered by a 4.7 liter V8, 323 kW engine and is the convertible with the longest wheelbase on the market. The GranCabrio’s roof is strictly canvas-made, emphasizing the link with the Maserati tradition. The Maserati GranCabrio will be marketed starting next winter, and experienced by customers the world over from the following spring.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Google profile 

As a lot of people during the last weeks, I have created my Google profile.

What is a Google profile?

A Google profile is simply how you present yourself on Google products to other Google users. It allows you to control how you appear on Google and tell others a bit more about who you are. With a Google profile, you can easily share your web content on one central location. You can include, for example, links to your blog, online photos, and other profiles such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. You have control over what others see. Your profile won't display any private information unless you've explicitly added it.

You can also allow people to find you more easily by enabling your profile to be searched by your name. Simply set your existing profile to show your full name publicly.

If you've been writing reviews on Google Maps, creating articles on Google Knol, sharing Google Reader items, or adding books to your Google Book Search library, you may already have a profile. See and customize your profile.

Quite easy. Let’s see with the time if it brings something new…

You can also find the profile of Laurent Kempé on Google profile.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

LinkedIn vs. Xing 

Fast comparison between LinkedIn and Xing.


  • November 1, 2003 - 5 1/2 years old
  • 7 million members
  • 26’000 groups
  • 16 languages
  • 600’000 paying members
  • 240 employees from 22 nations


  • May 5, 2003 - 6 years old
  • 40 million members, thereof 10 million in Europe and 800’000 in France
  • 300’000 user groups
  • 4 languages
  • 345 employees

My LinkedIn profile (member since March 2004, i.e. more than 5 years)

My Xing profile (member since November 2005).

The Innoveo LinkedIn profile and the Innoveo Xing profile.

Cross-posted on the Innoveo Blog.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Innoveo at the InsuranceCom conference 

Innoveo was again this year partner of the InsuranceCom congress in Zurich.

Lot of very interesting presentations (main topic was innovation this year) and many very good contacts and exchanges!



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Monday, December 29, 2008

Forget the traditional 4 “P”s! 

via Seth Godin

Seth is, as usual, suggesting a new “out-of-the-box” structure to represent the different marketing elements and mechanisms. So, forget the  traditional 4 “P”s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) coming from the commonly accepted definition of Marketing Mix (Jerome McCarthy). For Seth, we should have a look at 5 elements:

five marketing blocks
© Seth Godin

So now, let’s have a look at the definition of these 5 elements:

  • DATA is observational. […] Data is powerful, overlooked and sometimes mistaken for boring. You don't have to understand the why, you merely need to know the what.
  • STORIES define everything you say and do. The product has a myth, the service has a legend. […]
  • PRODUCTS (and services) are physical manifestations of the story. […]
  • INTERACTIONS are all the tactics the marketer uses to actually touch the prospect or customer. […]
  • CONNECTION is the highest level of enlightenment, the end goal. Connection between you and the customer, surely, but mostly connection between customers. Great marketers create bands of brothers, tribes of people who wish each other well and want to belong.

Interesting, isn’t it? Try to have a look at your marketing reality through this new prism.

Three essential questions you can ask yourself:

  • Does this interaction lead to connections?
  • Do our products support our story?
  • Is the story pulling in numbers that demonstrate that it's working?

I like Seth Godin exactly for this kind of disruptive inputs ;-)

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