didier beck weblog

Sunday, January 17, 2010

SmugMug 2009, comparison with Flickr 


As you may know, I have left the Flickr service, where I had a Pro Account, for more than one year (in December 2008). Actually, I haven’t deactivated my Flickr account, it is “just” a normal account now, as I didn’t want to break different links on my photostreams. Some limitations are now appearing on my Flickr, i.e.:

  • upload of 100 MB monthly and 10MB per photo
  • 2 videos per month
  • only smaller resized picture accessible
  • only the most recent 200 photos are shown.

So, it is clear that I cannot use anymore this service. On the other side, it’s free!

Comparison Flickr vs. SmugMug

So let’s compare a bit more the different services (SmugMug and Flickr).

Disclaimer: this comparison is a mix of facts and my own subjective rating of both services (still as users from both during months).

Overall information sold to Yahoo! in March 2005, founders left in 2008 independent, profitable and debt-free
Number of employees around 50 50
Number of photos 4’000 million 766 million
Founding year 2004 2002

monthly upload limit 100 MB unlimited
limit per photo 10 MB 12 MB
max. video duration 90s not supported in “standard”
max. video size 150 MB not supported in “standard”
shown size (photo) smaller resized images no reducing resolution
number of photos shown last 200 unlimited
gallery personalization no yes, very nice
slideshows yes, but limited yes, lots of customization possible
costs per year free, but with ads $40

monthly upload limit unlimited unlimited
limit per photo 20 MB 24 MB
max. video duration 90s 10 mn
max. video size 500 MB 600 MB
HD supported 720p 1080p
storage limit unlimited unlimited
bandwidth limit unlimited unlimited
statistics yes yes (far better)
customization no fully, including hostname
batch organization yes, but limited yes, extremely powerful
costs per year $25 $150 (an intermediary “Power” level exists for $60/year)

I am wondering, based on this tables, if it would not have been better to compare the “Pro” service from Flickr with the “Standard” level of SmugMug…

Anyway, you feel perhaps how far both services are different. Perhaps also not with the same target groups/segmentation of customers.

Why I have left Flickr

I have left Flickr for mainly three reasons:

  1. The huge functional differences between Flickr and SmugMug
  2. The lack of innovation and service updates at Flickr. In the last months, nothing happened at Flickr. SmugMug is principally launching new functions and testing new ideas each month!
  3. I was impacting by all the controversies and censorship stories (Thomas Hawk is relating some of them here and here) around Yahoo!/Flickr.

It is clear that the price differences is really huge between both services, but you get something from what you are paying!

Impact of having moved to SmugMug

First, it was quite easy to migrate from Flickr to SmugMug, as you can find a Firefox extension to automatically migrate all your pictures from your Flickr account to SmugMug. The tool is called “SmuggLr” and it is free.

Secondly, based on my SmugMug Pro Account, I have created a new subdomain called “visuals.didierbeck.com” of my own blog “www.didierbeck.com”. Both are now similar from each others, although I am definitely not finished with the customization. I will perhaps also merge both (blog and visuals) in the coming time. All my pictures and videos are now published under the “visuals” subdomains.

Thirdly, and perhaps the most interesting: the effect of having done these changes had a *huge* impact on the traffic of my pictures! I had about 18’000 views on my Flickr pictures within 2 years. I was many times above 100’000 views per month in 2009 on SmugMug! More data about this just below.

Some statistics of my SmugMug in 2009

Some data about 2009 on visuals.didierbeck.com:

  • Number of image views: 755’000
  • Monthly average in the last 6 months: 105’000
  • Number of image views linked with Saint Barth: 620’000 (!), i.e. 82% of the overall views (!!)
  • Highest traffic in December with more than 130’000 image views
  • Highest image views in a day (since mid November): December 6 with 18’910 views in one day…
  • Bandwidth used during the year: 82 GB
  • Highest bandwidth usage in July with more than 20 GB
  • Most viewed photo since mid November (with about 8’500 views just on this one):


Visualization of the traffic during the last 12 months:

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Snow – part II 

As said before, heavy snow again ;-)


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Snow at home today 

First snow yesterday evening.

And it is snowing again right now ;-)




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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Autumn is coming… 

Japanese maple


I like very much Japanese maples and we have just transferred ours from a pot to the ground. And, its leaves have just changed their color…




Unusual light (rising sun)


And yesterday morning, a very unusual light and sky!


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Monday, September 29, 2008

In Strasbourg on last Saturday 

Strasbourg, about 1h by car from my home, is a very nice city. I had the chance to study there during two years at Le Lycée Kléber. My wife was studying there during more than 8 years (…) at the Louis Pasteur University (doctor of medicine).

We are always going there with pleasure, specially to visit the “Petite France”, part of the “Grande Ile”, one of the most beautiful area of Strasbourg, and registered at the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1988.

Surrounded by two arms of the River Ill, the Grande Ile (Big Island) is the historic centre of the Alsatian capital. It has an outstanding complex of monuments within a fairly small area. The cathedral, the four ancient churches and the Palais Rohan – former residence of the prince-bishops – far from appearing as isolated monuments, form a district that is characteristic of a medieval town and illustrates Strasbourg's evolution from the 15th to the 18th century.

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The Strasbourg Cathedral


Access to the whole pictures-set here.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yesterday evening… 

Wheat field




And corn field

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Flickr video 

I have started to play a bit with the new flickr video extension. An example below from my travel to St Barth (with my htc touch cruise):

Some information about the new service:

  • only the pro accounts can upload videos
  • each video file must be smaller than 150MB or 90s
  • formats supported: AVI, WMV, MOV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, 3gp
  • video player based on Flash

Not bad ;-)

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